Theater Productions - High School, Statesboro STARS & GSU
The Man Who Came to Dinner
Tom Sawyer
The Glass Menagerie
Anne Frank
Jungle Book
White Christmas
Dearly Departed
Sin in the South
The Nativity
Gift of the Magi
Willy Wonka
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Wizard of Oz
Agnes of God (Region 3AAAA All Star Cast Award)
The Whales of August (Region 3AAA Best Supporting Actress Award)
Sleeping Beauty - Director
Honors & Awards
9th Grade Student Council President
10th Grade Student Council President
2012 Averitt Center for the Arts Emma Awards - Best Supporting Actress
2013 Region 3AAAA One-Act Theater Competition - Best Supporting Actress
2011 - 2013 Odyssey of the Mind Team Member
2011 Odyssey of the Mind World Finalist
2011 - 2013 Statesboro High School Model United Nations Honorable Delegation
2014 Statesboro High School Model United Nations Outstanding Delegation
Sydney Olivia Davis
Statesboro High School
Class of 2014
Parents: Jeff & Becky Davis
The main character in Sydney Davis' story is a bright well-rounded teen who seems wiser than her 18 years. She has the serious soul of an artist, but the quick wit of a raconteuse. She was "discovered" in 9th grade by Music Director Lisa Muldrew who noticed Sydney in the chorus. "She believed in what I could do and gave me a part as Thing One in The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess," Sydney said.
Sydney used her talent for drama in the 10th grade when she begged Statesboro High drama teacher Eddie Frazier for a part in the upcoming production of Shakespeare's A Mid Summer Night's Dream. The part she landed was Demetrius, one of four male lovers. She smiled and said, "He was an attractive guy with a beard." Next came Scrooge the Musical and Sydney couldn't leave the grease paint and the stage lights. She was in every high school performance after that.
In 11th grade, Sydney was honored for her portrayal of the Bette Davis character, Libby Strong, in the David Berry play, The Whales of August, with a Region One-Act Play Best Supporting Actress Award. Sydney's love of theater led her to audition for roles in the local theater group, the Averitt STARS, for which she was nominated for an Emma Award. She said, "My favorite roles were Libby in Whales of August, and the title roles in Willie Wonka and The Diary of Anne Frank."
While still a student at SHS, but joint-enrolled at Georgia Southern, Sydney auditioned against 40-50 university theater major students for a role in the black box theater production of On the Razzle. Sydney landed the part of Gertrude, a minor character, but she had a speaking role, and she was up against older, more experienced actors. Sydney said about her theater experiences, "It has always been a part of my life I love doing. Definitely."
The skills of memorization and repetition used in reading scripts have paid off in other ways for her. She uses those methods to learn the chemical chains as she goes for a BSS in Biology under the Pre-Med program at Georgia Southern. After obtaining her degree, Sydney wants to enter the funeral director program at Ogeechee Tech. "I know that may seem weird, but I'm looking for a way to set myself apart from other applicants to medical school," she said. There's a little drama in that, too.